A82: <sigh> Help again
A82: <sigh> Help again
Why can't I display a group of strings one after each other in menu font
like I can with normal font? Example:
.db "Galaxian 82 v3.0"
.db "---> PAUSED <---"
.db "<ENTER>: Resume "
.db "<+>: Contrast + "
.db "<->: Contrast - "
.db "LIVES ---> "
.db "LEVEL ---> "
.db "SCORE --->",0
All Sam does is ld hl,paused_msg \ ROM_CALL(D_ZT_STR) and it will display
all those lines. But for some reason unknown to me, this doesn't work in
menu font. Whywhywhywhywhy? My life would be so much easier if it did. If
I am wrong about this, please slap me across the face and tell me what's
wrong. Thank you!
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