Re: A82: Galaxian Autofire DONE!!!


Re: A82: Galaxian Autofire DONE!!!

At 06:58 AM 5/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
>> The Galaxian autofire patch has been completed and I'm just waiting for the
>> "OK" from Evil Sam to send the updated program (possibly w/ source) to this
>> list.  We'll see what his response is and if he likes the program.  It will
>> be harder than v2.1 because I changed the formula from my previous message
>> so that the initial rate=13 instead of 10 (larger=slower).  So, far I've
>> gotten to the 1st O-Enemies without dying once, but it really takes a lot
>> of skill to get that far even with autofire.
>>                  Thomas J. Hruska --
>> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
>If you read Evil Sam's previous post to this list, you would have known
that he
>is no longer on this list.  Please email him privately and ask him for his

I already did this...if you ever read the text part of any message.  I
implied that I seperately contacted Evil Sam about this.  We are currently
in conflict over the final boss and how fast the user should be allowed to
shoot.  If you (Bryan), would kindly contact him and tell him that I can do
30-50 shots/second in Galaxian for 15-20 second bursts, the whole process
will go a whole lot smoother.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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