Re: A82: Pac-Man done!!!!


Re: A82: Pac-Man done!!!!

Evil Sam wrote:

> >> This reminds me of another game that suddenly turboed when it was
> ported:
> >> Penguins. Why exactly do the 82 games seem to be faster than the ones
> on
> >> other calcs? Is it the graphics controller?
> >
> >The 82 port of Solytare is _very_ slow compared to the 85/86.
> >
>    It has something do with the display routine used. Galaxian and
> Orzunoid run at the same speed as the 85 versions because the same
> display routine is used in each version. If you have noticed the 82
> ports of Nibbles and Pong go at the same speed. In Pac-Man '98, I
> switched display routines because Dines gave me an obscure ROM_CALL that
> saved me about 100+ bytes. I guess that ROM_CALL works faster than
> Patrick Davidson's routine in some cases. I say in some cases because I
> tried the ROM_CALL in Galaxian and the game moved at a slower speed. I
> also tried the ROM_CALL in Orzunoid and the game moved at about the same
> speed. Personally, I think speed is good.
>    Sam

Fix Solytare 82 then. ;)

Bryan Rabeler <>
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