Re: SV: A82: Orzunoid tidbits
Re: SV: A82: Orzunoid tidbits
In a message dated 98-05-03 10:45:12 EDT, you write:
> On Sat, 2 May 1998 13:04:09 +0200 "Per-Axel Eriksson"
> <> writes:
> >
> >This was probably the worst bullshit I have ever read!
> >There is definitly something very wrong with you!!!
> >/P-A
> >
> why does every mesg that you send start with "SV" in the subject? i've
> always wondered about that.
> -Greg
the .se at the end of his email address means he's from SWEDEN. SV is their
way of saying "RE"