Re: A82: Pac-Man done!!!!


Re: A82: Pac-Man done!!!!

>Kouri Rosenberg wrote:
>> Yikes Sam. Is it supposed to be that hard? I can barely get passed 
>> first level, the farthest I've gotten was the third, and I've never
>> gotten a high score!
>Sam just released a new fixed version, I just added it to  
>fixed the high scores so they are easier to beat.
    Yes, my streak of screwing up releases continues. I copied the 
highscore routine out of galaxian, but forgot to change the highscore 
numbers. You can't even get close to 40,000 in Pacman. I screwed up 3 
Galaxian releases so you shouldn't be surprised. 
   The game is supposed to be challenging. The enemy AI is pathetic, but 
since the game board is so small, it makes manuevering around avoiding 
the 4 ghosts tough. Thats why you get 9 lives. Getting to the 3rd level 
is good considering there are only four levels. Making levels for PacMan 
takes a heck of a lot of time. I may make some more eventually. 
    A correction from a previous post:
          The routine that causes the Pacman bug is not the display 
routine. The ROM_CALL used in Pacman still causes the crash bug. My new 
theory is that the bug is caused by Patrick Davidson's sprite 
routine(he's got his own routine for everything). I might be able to do 
something about the bug if the CrASH guys would answer my messages once 
in a while  :<   The only time I have ever gotten a reply out of them is 
when I informed them about the Nibbles bug.

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