A82: New E-Mail Address
A82: New E-Mail Address
To: <jacob.terry@juno.com>, <bonstein@mindspring.com>, <kreinker@aol.com>, <hermida@mindspring.com>, <katharinei@aol.com>, <waffle2776@aol.com>, <okamal@ibm.net>, <porsche@mindspring.com>, <emblues11@aol.com>, <swimchicsa@aol.com>, <feury@ix.netcom.com>, <carabear34@aol.com>, <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>, <assembly-86@ticalc.org>
Subject: A82: New E-Mail Address
From: "Ahmed El-Helw" <ahmedre@bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 22:19:25 -0400
Delivered-To: assembly-82-outgoing@towerguard.unix.edu.sollentuna.se
Reply-To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org
Hello Everyone,
This is a short message to let you all know that I changed my email
address to ahmedre@bellsouth.net. Also, there is a cool free internet ISP
that B. Nagel told me about, Tritium, www.tritium.com. They don't have
access in Atlanta, but for those of you in NewYork, California, or another
access area, you might want to check it out. Later.
-Ahmed E.