Re: Dr. Mario Update (was: Re: A82: Question)


Re: Dr. Mario Update (was: Re: A82: Question)

At 02:20 PM 3/29/98 EST, you wrote:
>PS: Where is Thomas?  hello?

I have been ill since Wednesday evening (flu and then a major sinus
infection which Bryan can attest to...I was gone Thur. and Fri from
school).  I am down to moving SQRXZ and scrolling the screen.  Hard to
concentrate on coding when your head feels like a balloon and you are
hacking up yellow gunk.  I really was looking forward to working on it but
there is no fun in it when you are ill.  I am basically able to just delete
my e-mail and shut down my machine and go back to sleep.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
