The first annual A82: age-a-thon...


The first annual A82: age-a-thon...

(All awards,etc are recorded by email usernames)

The award for the oldest member of this list goes to:  
'acustic' (Per-Axel Eriksson) with the age of 29 (or 30, you tell me...)
Unless he was born in (18)'69...

The award for the youngest (tiebreak by maturity, less meaning more
qualified) goes to:
'Hornetz14' (Chad) with the age of 14.

The award for the most accurate age goes to:
'thruska' (Thomas H Ruska) with the age of 17.5 years.

The 'awwww'(Not condesending, but light and in awe) award goes to:
Both 'Gussie(Grant)' and 'Gussie(Rach)' who were drawn to eah other at
the age of 14 with
their interest in UN*X, net technology, phone lines,  and probably 'bash'
(Bourne-Again SHell) or (Bash Ain't a SHell) [UNIX jokes, don't ask]

Background: '>No flames, please...'
The 'what part of 'no' don't you understand?' award goes to...
All those that flamed, to which I say (Like 'the Fonz' in 'Happy Days')
'Ehy! Lighten up!'

The sheepish award goes to:
Those of you who didn't reply! (Including Hornetz14) Tune in for next
year's award... because... 'I'll (hopefully) be back..."

Now a breakdown of all the known aged members.

'acustic' 29 or 30
'thecubic' (Me) 25
''thruska' 17+ (SQRT(2))/2))^2
'joschnei' 17 even
'stsommer' 17 even
'thecubic' (the other 'Dave', my nephew) 16
'cw9000' 16
'moonbeem' 16
'celestion' 16
'cjslush' 16
'l0rdg0at' 16
'schonhof' 15
'bonstein' 15
'Gussie(Grant)' 14
'Gussie(Rach)' 14
'Hornetz14' 14 - (SQRT (2))/2))^2

Gosh, i'm suprised at the outcome... you all should be able to 'plot' it
using list... : ) use '2 var stats' to find mean, etc.
But now I know why 'cause my nephew informed me that 'these calcs are
required in some schools at around 16...'

Thanks to all for participating.

my question about ASM to make this on topic: 'How do you use 'nop' (00)?'
(Don't answer, I'm thinking, I'm thinking.....)

Special note to 'thruska': 'Why would your school celebrate your


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