A82: Uploading to CrASH Landing


A82: Uploading to CrASH Landing

I am not writing about anybody in particular, but recently, I have had
MANY requests for uploading Ash games on _CrASH_ Landing.  I am not
trying to be unfair or anything, but I just can't do it.  (Read: "All
programs posted on this page will run ONLY under CrASH."  This line has
been at CrASH Landing ever since February 25th, the official opening of
the site)  Ask Dines if you want a page with Ash programs, cuz I don't
have the time.

The CrASH Page is there for games and programs written specifically for
CrASH with exception to FUCK 82ASM (I didn't want stupid school "nanny"
progs to lock me out from my own page at school, so I didn't upload it).
CrASH programs there have been checked many times for stability, and
most bugs been checked many times so no program will crash the calculator.
CrASH itself was written for stability purposes-- consult the About
section at CrASH Landing.  Anyone who finds a bug/crash in a program can
report it to the list or the author.  If you noticed that there are no
Ash programs at my site at all, it's because I don't like unstable
programs crashing 82s. (I'm not saying that all Ash programs crash the
calc, but I just want to make sure.  As for being able to use Ash
programs on CrASH-- that's so people can actually use some programs they
like to use without having the "Ash" problem where it relocates
incorrectly, but under certain risks)

If you want to see a site will all CrASH and Ash programs, I suggest that

Those of you still thinking that your Ash program should make it to the
CrASH page, please take the time to drop me an e-mail. (Just recompile
and test for crashes...  Marin-the-Movie, Avalanch, Diamonds and some
others were all recompiled for CrASH.)

    [CrASH Landing!]

PS.  Though I will not upload programs directly to my site, I CAN
provide links to a site with an Ash program (Send me your own banner as
well, that would help).

PS2.  If you want to help me get a hundred thousand hits at CrASH
Landing, you are more than welcome to help :P
