A82: Re: Point-On/Off routines wanted
A82: Re: Point-On/Off routines wanted
The ones I made can be found on the Ash homepage and on ticalc (in
-----Original Message-----
From: ilya winham <ilyamojo@geocities.com>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: 14. marts 1998 19:06
Subject: A82: Point-On/Off routines wanted
>Could somebody please send me those point on and point off routines? I
>can't seem to find them anywhere.
>Thanks a lot, Ilya.
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/