Re: CENSUS of user's ages... (A82: )


Re: CENSUS of user's ages... (A82: )

I could've sworn I read SOMETHING like this   "(please just email them
straight to me, I'll show the results, and we'll all save bandwidth."     
 but oh well, since all of you have ignored ,   I guess I will too

I'm 16 and I enjoy staying out of most conversations and just sitting back
listening to this list  ,and  also  TRYING assembly    but I'm not that good
at it
and I'm mentally impaired for making games--mostly just semi-useful progs  :)

And in response to where I'm from ( question asked while back)
Lexington, KY --good thing I wasn't born here , there's a rumor hicks live
here  (???) 
 and no, none of this is appropriate for this list  but it sure is nice
knowing stuff about eachother, kind of a cozy feeling   :)

--   Craig-2    --  not to be confused with "cjslush"
