Ok, sorry if I made you think it was more interresting than it was...
I wanted to know how to transfer the ti82 rom image with a parallell-cable,
or if someone could mail it to me.
Now I know that there are at least 2 Swedes on the list...
There are probably some people from Danmark, Norway and Finland too
All of which can understand Swedish.
>ummm... what if we don't want to? PLUS... HOW MANY OF US HERE CAN
>if the number of Swedish speaking people here doesn't exceed 4 people
>(meaning 4 people respond saying that they know Swedish), then you are
>obliged to tell us what the hell you said... got it?
>all i understood about it was something to do w/ rom & the parallel link
>Culturally Biased,
>PS-- i bet the majority od the people here speak english... so to make
>it easier, please write in English.... if the majority here speak
>Swedish, hell... i'll learn Swedish if that's what it would take to be a
>part of this list. Be considerate of where people come from... i was
>one of those people who sympathized w/ the victim of the spelling/grammar
>mistakes, and I believe that it's okay to speak english poorly, because i
>know that there's effort put into the attempt. I have a bad enough time
>in Italian class, let alone learning Swedish on my own.
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