A82: Ash 3.1


A82: Ash 3.1

Since I wrote the last mail about Ash 3.1 I have been coding a bit, and I
think i have corrected all the bugs now. To test the Ash i tried to play
dying eyes (the full version which is a Crash program), and it worked with
out any problems. All the test I have done on the new functions gives the
expected results too. So the only thing which is not fully implemented yet
is the special version od ROM_CALL.

I need to make some minor corrections in the code, but hopefully I will be
able to release a beta version this weekend !


BTW Thomas did you get my letter about Game Wizard ? 


Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW  : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/