A82: Re: Hexedit questions...
A82: Re: Hexedit questions...
Is there anyone who'd like an debugger ? for win9x that is ..
because I've been making a Z80 Debugger as a SchoolProject and ... Well if
someone wants it I'll upload it (and finaly make my homepage :) ..
just a thought.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg R Milewski <l0rdg0at@juno.com>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: den 3 mars 1998 00:49
Subject: A82: Hexedit questions...
>ok guys (gals if there is any),
>i've got some questions on the next and final version of Hexedit...
>seeing as how i'll optimize the whole thing, i can make more changes...
>1. Should I make an ASH version? There's nothing special about the
>Crash version, so it won't be a problem.
>2. I'm sorry for the squishness of the screen, but i had to cope with 16
>characters... I WILL NOT MAKE IT IN MENU FONT!!! the ascii values on
>the right will be misaligned if i do that... (a space takes up less space
>[that makes sense...]) anyway, here's the major question... should i
>include a line drawing algolrithym to seperate the three parts, or invert
>the Address so you can see the difference....
>3. Any bright ideas for it? NO DEBUGGER... although i might make it
>display the different rom pages...
>Thanks for any input (if any)....
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