Re: A82: i got a question...
Re: A82: i got a question...
On Sun, 1 Mar 1998 17:18:18 EST ADAMMAN106 <> writes:
>In a message dated 98-03-01 16:24:53 EST, you write:
>> how do u type in 4 to the negative first power? i am new at
>TI-82's. will
>> someone plez help me?
>I don't think this is the appropriate place to ask that question
>PS I'm not going to tell you :-P
hey, that's mean... do it again!! seriously, we all have questions at
some time or another, no matter how inane they might be, but we should
give this person a chance.
hell, we were asking about roms for emus (should be on an emu list),
asking about upgrading processors / changing rom / upgrading rom /
(e(e))prom and burners (ti-hardware list), making fun of grammar and
spelling (the creator of the list w/ that topic should be shot... if
there is one), our rankings on the list (bandwidth waster, but
interesting nonetheless), HP assembly / processor info (HP list) and
anyway, to answer the question, you press "4" and then the key marked
"x-1" (the key "D") and then enter. why not type in (1/4) instead?
i'm starting to had this juno thing -->
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