A82: When is an 'H' not an 'H'?
A82: When is an 'H' not an 'H'?
A: When the H is being drawn by someone who is NOT an artist (ie Jimmy
Mardell). (yuk, yuk, yuk...not really funny though).
I figured it was going to be easy...plug in the graphics and away I go.
Well, it hasn't been the least bit easy today because the second I opened
up sqrxzgrf.h (the file in SQRXZ.ZIP for the 85...or is it the 86?) I found
the ugliest graphics in the universe (no offense, I'm just tired from
staring into a calculator screen and altering zillions of little pixels).
Anyway, I decided, rather than spend hours trying to fix Jimmy's graphics,
I would start from scratch. I'm still not done, but I'm over the hill (not
agewise, you wisecracks :P ).
I'm done with the alphabet (and finally passed Kindergarten too :) and also
the AQUA WORLD sign and I'm now down to just simple background objects and
all the enemies. As I was doing the alphabet, I couldn't figure out the H,
so I pulled up Jimmy's H and it looked worse than the H my computer gave
me. So, let's just say that I became very innovative of my artistic
capabilities and created the sweetest H you'll ever see in 64 pixels (8x8
using the computer's H). Jimmy's poor H then got made fun of by this
e-mail (sorry about that). The AQUA WORLD sign will exist only on level 4.
Is a waste of about 24 images really worth it...I think so because I want
to imitate the PC version as closely as possible (someone else might find a
use for the graphics too...such as background donuts).
I want someone to take a look at the attached file which contains 2 fences,
the tower thingy, and the exit door (which actually looks like a door...not
Jimmy's boiler room), and tell me what you think of them. Do they need
more work or not? If so, which ones? (Please write your answer in essay
form to waste more bandwidth).
Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"