Re: A82: bit n,a
Re: A82: bit n,a
At 03:04 PM 6/16/98 -0400, you wrote:
>What does the command:
>bit [number],[var]
>do? I'm thinking it is similar to compare.
It tests a single bit of a variable. Here's how it works:
bit 0,a
This will test bit 0 of the contents in the a register. A single register
looks like this (bitwise):
76543210 <-- bit 0!!!
Bit 0 is the far right bit. The zero flag = bit. So, if bit 0 of register
a is 0, the zero flag will be zero (z)...otherwise it will be not zero
(nz). NOTE: If you can destroy whatever register you are testing, it is
MUCH faster to use and %00000001 which does the same thing as bit 0,a.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"