Re: A82: ideas and stuff


Re: A82: ideas and stuff

At 04:40 PM 6/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I am Joshua Sivec a Computer Science Major at Michigan State University.

Hey!  I'm on the other end of Lansing!!!  You're in East Lansing and I'm
just inside the NW border of Lansing.  Kewl!

>If you wanted I could help you make the version for the 92.  Let me know
>one way or the other.

Well, I haven't started it yet but I need someone who has a 92 and knows
ASM debugging well enough to tell me possible solutions to bugs.  I did say
I was going to finish SQRXZ 82 first...didn't I?  Yes, I did say that.
However, I won't be working on the 92 section for a long time.

>On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Stick Figure V. 1.0 wrote:
>> Yes, this IS a great idea.. This is probably the most exciting concept I've
>> seen in the TI scene in a long time.. this even beats out a couple of great
>> games.
>> David Eriksson/2GooD Productions wrote:
>> > At 01:06 1998-06-09 -0400, you wrote:
>> > >I am going to totally redo the ASH <-> OShell-82 Development Kit once I
>> > >finish SQRXZ 82.  This will have a 32-bit IDE in which you can do
>> > >everything you just mentioned.  It will also have (hopefully) a
>> > >to every shell and platform (except possibly the 92).  The emulator
>> > >need a ROM image since everything will be built into the emulator
(TI, you
>> > >don't need to worry, I won't be using any of your source code from the
>> > >ROM...just the memory locations of the routines).  The emulator will be
>> > >integrated into the IDE through a debugger which will catch every
>> > >crash (stack, self-edit, external edit, etc) and will jump to the
error in
>> > >the source.
>> >
>> > That's a hell of a project! Good luck!
>> >
>> > Sincerely,
>> >                        -/- David Eriksson -/-
>> >
>> > CalcEm - The Calculator Emulator  ->

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
