Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
>Speaking along those lines, I've already had two requests for the
>code. Since everyone is SUPER-DUPER TICKED OFF AT ME, I will not be
>releasing it...just to appease most of your appetites.
Good. No one is mad at you. Nobody wants you to release the source.
Dissambling CrASH is an accomplishment that you can learn from. If you
want to make the ultimate shell. Look at the CrASH source then program
from scratch.
> After this run in
>with you guys and your apparently strong feelings against people
>the realm of programming, I therefore won't explore the realm of
shells. I
>had no idea that you guys would get so ticked off. Won't even mention
>word shell again. NOW ARE YOU HAPPY??!?!?!?!?!?!
Jeez, I guess you took people's criticism of your intent to release
the CrASH source a little too personal. I doubt anybody wouldn't like an
even better shell. Since you are so fond of O-Shell, why don't you try
to make an ASh and Oshell compatible shell. Others have tried(Jass and
I never
>even said I would distribute the shell I made, did I? You were flaming
>for experimentation in the programming realm. Einstein experimented,
>made fun of/flamed, and is an international hero. So, I guess I'm
>(I'm not an Einstein yet) you flamed me for no reason. I'm S-O-R-R-Y.
>What more can I say?
I don't think you were really flamed that badly. Remember that Ryan
Schlonhoff. The whole list simultaneosly made fun of the kid because he
couldn't spell.
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