Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
>I didn't think it would take as long as it did. I would've loved to use
>DASM, but I tried it once or twice and only got garbage from it. BTW, I
>_knew_ someone was going to comment about SQRXZ when I sent the message.
<snip sig>
Thomas, if you want to use DASM, RTFM! You can't run the program "dasmz80"
without running "bin2hex" on the snippet of machine code you want to
disassemble so you can make it in the proper intel HEX format (for a rom
file (for example, page 2), you'd disassemble like so:
"bin2hex page1.rom page1.hex 4000" (4000 is the .org)
Then you run "dasmz80 page1.hex page1.asm"
To improve the source code, you can use asmconv. This program makes the
output file show mnemonic, offset, hex equiv, ASCII equiv.
So, no more bitching if you don't read the manual. You probably didn't
deserve to know how to do this, but I don't want to hear you whining to the
list about disassembling by hand.
Rob Bonstein