Re: A82: Someone tell me why this doesn't work
Re: A82: Someone tell me why this doesn't work
At 20:38 1998-05-31 -0400, you wrote:
> ld hl,string
> ld bc,$0001
> ld (GRAF_CURS),bc
> ld a,c \ add a,6 \ ld c,a
> cp 24 \ jr nz,LOOP
>.db "Hi",0
>.db "My name is Joe",0
>.db "I work in a button",0
>.db "factory.",0
>Is it because I have bc mixed up or something? I can't
>figure it out. Sorry for posting so much lately. I'll
>attribute it to pre-finals stress.
(Why are people using multiple commands on each line, it's so messy!)
Anyway: 1+6 = 7, 7+6 = 13, 13+6 = 19, 19+6 = 25
So A will never become 24 but rather 25...
-/- David Eriksson -/-
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