A82: Ztetris


A82: Ztetris

   The list has been really inactive lately so I making this rather drab 
post to update you all on the progress of Ztetris.

     Progress is at a stand still. There has been none. There really is 
only one major bug and one or two little bugs remaining. However, they 
have proven to be rather difficult in locating and fixing. I have 
practically given up on solving the major bug, and have left it in the 
hands of Patrick. He isn't having any luck either, though. 
   In the meantime, I have been doing a little work on getting the 
Orzunoid on-calc level editor to work. I have also been working on 
PlainJump. Nothing exciting. Its hard to tell if I am doing anything 
right because I don't have the external levels working, yet(Its alot 
more complicated than you thought Greg).
  Also if Ztetris isn't released Friday, then don't expect for a long 
time. I'm going away Friday for anywhere from at least one week and up 
to three weeks depending on the weather and other natural occurences. 

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