A82: Re: Reeeeeeeeeeeally strange TASM problem
A82: Re: Reeeeeeeeeeeally strange TASM problem
TASM has problems with DEFINE's and IF's, specially if the IF's are nested
or you use very long names. If you use something like the following in
your program:
TASM will sometimes interpet this as:
The same tihng happens with IF's inside DEFINES, so TASM might see you
macro as:
#DEFINE fixpt(sign,iPart,fPart) #IF0
#DEFCONT \ iPart*256+(fPart/390625)
#DEFCONT \ %11111111^iPart*256+(1+(fPart/390625))
(since IF0 does not exist it gives you an error, and when there is no IF
ENDIF will give another error).
The best way to solve the problem is not to use IF's inside defines. Try
something like this instead:
#DEFINE fixpt(sign,iPart,fPart)
(sign has to be 0 or 1)
-----Original Message-----
From: ADAMMAN106@aol.com <ADAMMAN106@aol.com>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: 16. juli 1998 21:38
Subject: A82: Reeeeeeeeeeeally strange TASM problem
>for some reason, when I try to compile this macro:
>#DEFINE fixpt(sign,iPart,fPart) #IF sign=0
>#DEFCONT \ iPart*256+(fPart/390625)
>#DEFCONT \ %11111111^iPart*256+(1+(fPart/390625))
>using this:
> ld hl, fixpt(0,3,99609375)
>it gives me these errors:
>first pass:
>fixpt.asm line 0501: Imbalanced conditional.
>Second pass:
>fixpt.asm line 0096: Unknown token: (#)
>fixpt.asm line 0096: Unknown token.
>fixpt.asm line 0096: Label not found: (IF0)
>fixpt.asm line 0096: unrecognized directive.
>but when I compile it with this macro:
>#DEFINE fixpt(sign,iPart,fPart) iPart*256+(fPart/390625)
>it works fine (of course it ignores the sign, but that's not the point)
>according to tasm.doc, this should work fine (the ^ is binary XOR)
>and what's with the "imbalanced conditional" error? I've never seen it
>(it refers to the .end at the end of the file)
>Oh yeah, line 96 is the "ld hl, ..." line
>Someone PLEASE tell me what gives
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/