Re: A82: The Speed82 Competition
Re: A82: The Speed82 Competition
This is exactly the code I wrote. One problem: When you put the last
character using TX_CHARPUT, it scrolls the screen down. Somehow, you need
to put in that last character yourself. The best you can end up with is
either 7 full rows, and one blank, or 127 A, B, or C's and one blank space.
> start_of_code:
> add a, $40 ;makes a=the letter now
> ld hl,0
> ld (CURSOR_POS),hl ;being safe
> ld c,0
Don't believe you need to do this. [ld c, 0]
> ld b,128 ;the whole screen
> disploop:
> djnz disploop
> pauseloop: ;so you can see ur work.
> call GET_KEY
> or a ;any key... if no key then zf
> jr z, pauseloop
> ret ;the end.
> ta-da. -Greg
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