Re: A82: Galaxian and Orzunoid Update and Questions
Re: A82: Galaxian and Orzunoid Update and Questions
Greg R Milewski wrote:
> you can have a very large title screen by putting something like this in
> your prog
> Title:
> .db 0,4,6,7,2,8,9
> .db 0,0,87,5,96,5
> of course not that, but have each line with 12 db's, that will make up a
> bitmapped screen.
> just use the ldir instruction to load it into VIDEO mem and the
> you can also compress you pics by using zcp, but i don't know if it's 82
> compatible.
> screen shots can be taken by using the TI GRAPH-LINK software, but i
> don't think it likes things in motion.
> an alternative can be making an ISR w/ crash that copies the Video screen
> to the graphing screen when a key combo is pressed. (that won't work if
> you use the apd buffer to much, or the graph mem.) then you can exit,
> turn off the isr, (make sure the 82 graph screen is clean [no axes, etc]
> before using the isr) and take a screen shot that way.
> there's some utils that will convert an 82i file to a bmp. just convert
> that to a jpeg/gif, and you're set!
> -Greg
Thank you for your input. Unfortunately I'm not going to put in
cool title screens. Orzunoid and Galaxian are both around 4K now. If I
add the new screens that would make them even higher. I for one have to
really like a game in order to keep it on my calc if its over 3K. Little
Dude and Deadeyes are both great games but I never will keep either one
on my calc for more than a day because of their enormous size. Adding
graphical title screens would make my games so large that I myself
wouldn't keep them on my calc permenantly. Besides a cool title screen is
not that important anyway