Re: A82: DuckHunt 82 and Galaxian suggestions...
Re: A82: DuckHunt 82 and Galaxian suggestions...
Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> Here are some suggestions (or bugs) that I have for the two newest games
> for the 82:
> DuckHunt 82 - Great port of the 85 game, only problem lies in levels 4 and
> 5 when the duck slows down to turtle speed (I can leave my calc and get
> some coffee without missing any ducks) instead of getting faster. Some
> timing loop probably not set correctly. Also, when [2nd] is pressed on
> level 3, two bullets can be shot at one time with no real delay between
> shots. There is no high score list which is a bummer and there are only 5
> levels that can be played. No real cool ending...just some text about the
> author hating hunting and won't put in a really cool ending.
> Galaxian - Great game...however, I beat the entire thing in 30 minutes.
> More levels and auto-repeat firepower needed so my [Y=] key doesn't get
> destroyed. Contrast change doesn't seem to be supported even though it
> says it is in pause mode. The enemies should also fire more often and fly
> down sooner in later levels.
> Hope these suggestions help out their respective authors of these really
> great games that need to be tweaked somewhat.
> Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
> Sorry almost all of the problems you mention are my fault(sort
of). With Duckhunt 82z the problem is that Ahmed has been sending me the
source pasted into emails. The source is wider than the email width so
some adjusting is required. Once Ahmed sends me the UUE encoded source
code which fits into an email then I will release Duckhunt 1.1 with level
4 and 5 fixed. I'm also supposed to add highscores similar to Orzunoid
in the next version. The new vesion of Duckhunt will be released almost
as soon as I get it from Ahmed. As for Galaxian, if you had read the
readme file you would know that the contrast changer will be implimented
in the next version. I may add the auto-fire and new levels in the
version after next.