Re: A82: The link port


Re: A82: The link port

What? All the link routines I have came from the files on Dines page 
about Ash and the TI-82, and other emails from dines and stuff on this 
list. Randy Gluvna's routines work really good and easy I hear, use 
those or make your own.
**-->Until somebody actually makes and tests more advance link routines, 
we will never know how well they can or can't work<--**
..Not just on the 82, but all other calcs should really be link-port 
tested more, I mean nobody really makes link stuff at all. Because of 
it's beta state to most people. I can change though....

Grant Stockly wrote:
> Ask ilya.  has them all.
> ---
> Grant Stockly
> AppleCyber -
