Re: A82: Porting (85)
Re: A82: Porting (85)
On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 16:40:06 EST writes:
>In a message dated 98-01-24 20:46:45 EST, you write:
>> displaying text while drawing stuff on the screen is harder, because
>> blasted DISP_GRAPH overwrites it.... that's one of my main problems
>> converting ZTETRIS. (if i'm lucky, it should be out w/in the next 2
>> weeks, now that my finals are done.)
>you can write text directly to the graph mem
please ignore my stupidity, but... er... how? there's probably something
in the text files, but i'm too damn lazy... finals wore me out... thanx
for the info (in advance) and thanx for informing me on something i think
i'd never know about...
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