Re: A82: SQRXZ 82
Re: A82: SQRXZ 82
Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> At 07:28 PM 1/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >Thomas J. Hruska,
> > How is Sqrxz 82 coming?
> Sorry for the late reply. I have actually been able to program SQRXZ this
> week because of a low homework load. I think that after I work two more
> major bugs/problems out of the heart of the A.I. engine, I will be able to
> test it and possibly have a small demo (not interactive) to show off.
> Don't be impressed by it's speed though as I might only be able to crank
> out 5-7 frames/sec (I am looking at the clock cycles eaten by the
> animations and it looks like about 3000 clock cycles for one enemy to
> animate). BTW, how large is SQRXZ for the TI-86 calc? Just wondering
> because my version is about 8K (2K is reserved space for the databases, 5K
> for the level, and only 1K is actual code).
I know Sqrxz for Usgard is about 7k or 8k (levels not included). So
don't worry. If the 82 version is as good as the Usgard one, it'll be
worth having only Sqrxz on one's calc.