A82: Next Game..Dune 2


A82: Next Game..Dune 2

            This is probably jumping the gun, but i have ideas for my 
next game...i think it'll be pretty cool. If anyone has ever played 
Dune 2...well, it's much like Command and Conquer. In fact, it is C&C's 
less graphically adept predecessor--in my opinion, Dune 2 is the better 
game. But hey, i love the novels and get caught in nostalgia...
    ANYWAYS! hehe. That's the type of game I think i'll work on after i 
finish with Dying Eyes (Which btw, if you wonder...is in halt 
mode...cause of school, didnt work on it this vacation cause my 
half-brother from DC came to visit...busy season). I may do a simulated 
battle experience...or something altered. But basically, it would have 
the same building aspect of Dune 2. I might make the battles more RPG 
style, a la Genghis Khan. But i haven't delved that far into it--the 
82s need a strategy game. I'm not a huge strategy fan, but i love C&C, 
Dune 2, and Warcraft. Anyhow...lemme know whatcha think. I'd be open to 
work with others on this. And since i havent been keeping up with my 
list reading as of late...is anyone already programming this? 
