Re: A82: EuP82


Re: A82: EuP82

First of all, I will admit that I know very little about assembly but, I 
am learning.  Most people who subscribe to this list subscribe in order 
to learn more about programming, in search of assistance with their 
programs, looking to help others learn, or get the latest news on 
upcoming programs.  Personally, I am sick of you throwing out all this 
shit about you creating "infrared links", "network capabilities" for the 
ti-82, etc...  People have better things to do with their time than read 
your messages.

I would be willing to withdraw my complaint if you will provide the ti 
community with actuall evidence, such as, working schematiccs for your 
alleged pieces of technology.

I can only speak for myself, but, - I AM SICK OF YOUR FUCKIN' SHIT!

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