Re: A82: Efficiency


Re: A82: Efficiency

LDIR is used to put a pic on the screen...
RST has different uses... In 86 ASM, you can do 

 rst 20h     ; Copy HL to OP1
 rst 10h     ; Looks up variable, BDE = ABS addr to program

which proves to be useful in saving variables [like high scores].


At 12:58 AM 1/2/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Right now, an assembler I am working on can only correctly compile programs
>under 256 bytes (why..I'm still working on that). However, I still want to
>program assembly until the problem is fixed.
>Does anyone know of any small, useful lines of code that get a lot done in a
>little space?
>Also, would the following questions save space?
>how do you use EX and EXX and what is AF'?
>how do you use IND, INDR, INI, INIR?
>how do you use LDD, LDDR, LDI, LDIR
>does RST have any usefullness?
>Matt Stack
