A82: a port idea


A82: a port idea

seeing how we have a routine for hunting down vars that can contain a
level, (which means that we can use external levels for SQRXZ 82, if the
author permits it), why not try to convert "Plainjump" (for u 83 users,
that's how Andreas Ess spelled it, so don't get on my case for
spelling/grammer!!) from the 85?

most of the engine would have to be re-worked to accomodate the 96 pixel
screen, and i would do it, but i suppose that would also involve making a
level creator/ converter.  just an idea, so there.  i'll have a "looksee"
at the source on my vacation.  the source (both 1.0 [zshell] and
1.1[usgard]) is public domain. here's the differences (for the

1.0 -- built in level, editable. boring.
1.1 -- faster, external level support, and came w/ an external level
maker/editor for usgard.

anybody want it?


PS-- 1.6 works fine on my calc, but i deleted it, not trusting it.

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