A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug
A82: Re: Re: GWv2.0 bug/ASHv3.0 bug
>if it doesn't take long, do it. i'd like to fill my mem up w/ progs and
>have like 30 bytes left, so if i can do this with the 3.1 version, then
>do it... please. make 3.1 compatible w/ 3.0 if possible... it
>cause any problems w/ different versions, should it? just change the
>format so 3.0 won't recognize 3.1 progs.
I have had a lok at Ash and I have version 3.1 working, it runs 3.0
programs without problems and 3.1 programs wont be shown in Ash 3.0. I
also made a few changes in the relocation routine so it should be fairly
easy to derelocate programs.
Ash 3.1 will support programs larger than 13k, and how a program can be
de-relocated will be explain later. It should also be possible to use the
VAR routines, it has not been tested, but it should work.
All I need know is some test programs, so if anyone has written programs
which, because of relocation, did not work with Ash 3.0 and you are
interested in making them work
with Ash 3.1 mail me. Currently the only ones I know of is Dying Eyes and
Game Wizard.
BTW If anyone has written programs which uses the VAR routines I am very
interested in testing them with Ash.
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/