Re: A82: parallel problems with new computer
Re: A82: parallel problems with new computer
What diodes did you use ? I myself made 2 links, one with 1N4007
diodes and in the one I use now I used 1N4148 diodes. The first link
wouldn't work with the Cyrix 5x86 100Mhz computer I use (well, it
worked only once and then failed all operation) , the second one
works great on the same computer. I have today tested both links on
an old 386 33Mhz and they both seem to work (at least the link test
program). BTW, the link test program fails on my link with 1N4148
diodes, although the link works great.
> > > Has anyone had troubles getting the parallel port<->$5 link to work
> > > with a new computer. just bought a nice new PII, and i can't seem
> > > transmit with any of the software. (BTW, this is why i haven't fixed
> > > some of the things on Solytare82) if anyone has some great advice,
> > > please tell me. and sorry for being off topic.
> the problem w/ the link is that it won't work on any pc w/ a mhz speed
> divisible by 25 or 50. i have a p75 and it wouldn't work, making me buy
> the $35 one. if you look at a legit link, there's some extra capacitors
> in the middle of the link, and that's how ti overcame the 25/50 bug.
> -Greg