Re: A82: Re: Game Wizard v2.0 bug discovered!!!
Re: A82: Re: Game Wizard v2.0 bug discovered!!!
At 08:50 PM 2/8/98 +0100, you wrote:
>I have not looked into this, but as far as I can see the problem with Game
>Wizard could be solved with app. 10 lines of code. Is this too much to ask
>for. All you have to do is insert 10 lines of code and your program
>should have no problem running under Ash 3.0.
What 10 lines of code? You keep talking about this but haven't showed a
thing. There is no workaround because simpel relocation splits the program
into two pieces which no 10 lines of code will fix. Plain and simple:
Produce these 10 lines of code or admit that simpel relocation has a major
bug which splits programs into pieces when it relocates (which it does and
there is no workaround for it).
>I think it would be a lot easier for every one who uses your program if
>you correct your program so it works with Ash. If you did that people
>would not have to thik about where it was placed.
It DOES work for ASH. It just crashes once in a while because the program
is split into pieces by YOUR simpel relocation routine which causes it to
crash. I don't know how you can't see how simple and straight-forward this
is. Better yet, why don't you pull out your simpel relocation routine and
put it on this list and I will pick the thing apart line-by-line and show
you and everyone else why it won't work with Game Wizard and why you should
change the routine entirely to the block relocation method. YOU are the
author of the shell and YOU are responsible to make sure the shell doesn't
interfere with other programs like Game Wizard by splitting them up with
faulty code.
>Why will KEY_HAND always mean that the calc might crash ? I can see no
>reason for this to happen if you do the relocation in a way which does not
>mess up the mem. Advanced relocation should solve this problem.
>Since your method does not solve the problem with KEY _HAND, it is
>probably not the same method.
KEY_HAND is the world's lousiest, slowest routine possible that pauses for
a keypress and allows the calc to shut down right smack-dab in the middle
of a game. So, even if you do fix the relocation routine to update the
VAT, nobody in their right mind will use the routine in a game therefore
making it a waste of time and calculator memory.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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