A82: Dune II


A82: Dune II

        Heyas..I've decided my next game is to be Dune II. It's 
originally a PC game, that was the predecessor to games such as  
Warcraft and Command & Conquer. My version is going very well, I'd love 
to give out a screenshot, but the 82 doesnt seem to have any progs to 
capture screenshots...
    The game screen is divided into 3 "screens". The left sidebar is 
the menu bar..that you cycle through...operating most functions in the 
game...except when you want to actually tell a unit to do something). 
Then there is the topbar, which shows your credits and the day #, and 
other messages, like when you go to build something--it tells you the 
cost, and prompts you to "place building". Also displays other messages 
like "you're under attack!" The main window, however, is the lower 
right one...which displays the map. By pressing DEL from the main menu 
(del de-selects, 2nd selects, like in all my games), you can access the 
main map...scroll around in it...access specific building functions 
(such as harvest spice, build unit, etc..).  

   Anyhow, so far i have done:
        The menu bars (you can scroll thru main+build menu)
        The build menu is done (you can build the first 4 things, and 
place them on the map...you can only place next to adjacent buildings, 
just like the original)
        Scrolling map, 8x8 tiles
        Ability to place buildings (the ones that i've done, at least)
        Map is animated (similar to the way little dude was animated, 
cept you can see 

    I plan to add much more...havent touched the war part yet...or even 
the actual meat of the game. But I do have a good engine started, and 
I'm very familiar with it. The battles, after a long deciding..wont be 
realtime--that was never really an option--but will be cool...if anyone 
has ever played Shining Force, that is how they will be. 
Meaning...yes...even when i try to make a pure strategy game, some 
element of RPG slips in :) I think this way will be really cool, and 
even more strategic. Also, a new thing I plan to add is 
research...where you get new technology thru researching it.
       Any ideas? does this sound good, bad? What I have said, is all 
possible, and I already know how I'll do it.
                                      "for me everyday is halloween"