Re: Re: A82: Galaxian 2.1 response
Re: Re: A82: Galaxian 2.1 response
>At 06:29 AM 2/7/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>Oh, and to Thomas Hruska, a highscore of 49,007 is pretty pathetic
>considering that
>>you think you did the best that is possible. Just remember highscore
>getting is supposed
>>to be about skill. That is the same reason why I took out the extra life
>and points
>>after a level up in Orzunoid. Finally, maybe someone on the list could
>My version of "rapid-fire" as I previously stated doesn't really become
>true rapid-fire until around level 10 (starts out slow in my version and
>gets progressively faster as long as I don't lose any lives during each
>level). Up till then, I usually do solid rapid-fire by vibrating the
>muscle on my upperarm at about my elbow joint. It gives the muscle a very
>good work-out and I'm usually ready to stop playing the game for a while
>until it isn't so tired. This is how I accomplished the 49,007 points and
>it WAS using pure skill. I was just stating the score that I got and I do
>use an awful lot of armpower when I am trying hard to get a score (have to
>now that I have pretty much maxxed everything out). Speaking of
>highscores, there should be a high score reset option in the game instead
>of requiring the user to reload the program back on to get all the original
>scores restored. If you want me to send you v2.0 with "rapid-fire" added,
>I will do that just so you can see the exact program that I am using so
>that I can convince you that I was playing honestly when I made the 49,007
>points. Oh boy, people can't seem to trust my integrity when I say I have
>done something such as make a highscore which they themselves can't seem to
>achieve because it is "humanly impossible"...well, I have done the humanly
>impossible by making 49,007 points in which my arm muscle did most of the
>work and people still won't believe me.
>Hey, Bryan Rabeler, are you reading this? I think you know exactly what
>I'm talking about since you know how obsessed I am with the game and are
>usually shocked by the quickness my finger can hit the [Y=] key. Tell this
>guy that I am telling the truth since he won't believe me from my own
>mouth. Also, you might want to mention that he might want to make a formal
>apology to the list to retain his own integrity.
> Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
First of all, I had already apologized on the list before you made this reply.
I have no doubt that you reached a score of 49,007. Calling that a inhuman act is
just plain ignorant. I only made the comment because you made such a big deal of
this "godly" act. Tiring your upperarm muscle? After reading your initial message,
I surpassed 49,007 on my first try without any trouble or discomfort. Its ridiculous
to say that the author can't get a highscore at his own game. I know this is extremely
petty, but Thomas just so you know my current highscore is 49,548.
Evil Sam
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