A82: Orzunoid Suggestion
A82: Orzunoid Suggestion
I am not trying to say anything 'bad' about the game, lets get this
straight right away. I think it is the best Arkanoid type game for a
calc ever! But there is 1 major problem. Since I and most ppl I know
only play calc games for maybe 20mins at a time at the most it is very
hard to get to the higher levels in Orzunoid. So here is my solutions.
1.) Add a save game feature, this would be great.
2.) Be able to select which level to play
I want to see what the levels other than 1-6 look like, but just don't
play it long enough to get there in one sitting so to speak.
So, if you could easily, implement one of these things.
A Save Game feature should be implemented in many more games!