A82: My first question of many to come


A82: My first question of many to come

            ack! I'm having my first problem with Dune 2, and i'm sure 
this is all due to my programming incompetence. Ok..
    I want an animation to be running in the top right corner of the 
screen..(depicting what is being built, etc..)..while the calc checks 
for keys. However, I'm having problems doing both. If I try it without 
delaying the animation, what I get is a blurred sprite. If I add a 
delay to the animation, in order to make you "see" the animation and 
slow it down, it also slows the checking of keys, making it choppy and 
bad. Basically, I'm wondering how the programmer of little dude did 
it...with the constant animation of the squares, but also good key 
response. Ack! I think I'm really dumb for not knowing how to do this, 
so I apologize for my ignorance...any suggestions?
