Re: A82: Dying Eyes is awesome! But has a few bugs.


Re: A82: Dying Eyes is awesome! But has a few bugs.

Evil Sam wrote:

> I just wanted to congradulate Kurai on making without a doubt the
> best TI-82 RPG yet. Maybe the best on any calc. Dying Eyes is awesome!
> Just four things that might need to be changed.
>         1) The DEL button, which is supposed to de-select, doesn't work
>            if you press the attack button. You have to select which enemy
>            you are going to fight. This is a pain if you accidently
>            select attack when you need to heal your guy.

That pisses me off, too..

>         2) It is a serious pain to have to pay the inn keeper in order to
>            save your game. It means having to go out of town fighting
>            people in order to save your game. If you die while trying to
>            raise the money then you have to do everything over.

No you don't.. All you have to do is say no to the innkeeper about staying a
night and the save game screen comes up right afterwards.

>         3) The items don't come back when you die. I died in the cave to
>            Kjata. When I restarted the items in the cave were gone!

Big deal. It isn't like you're going to find big-ass swords in them (at least
right away), and you can use HP<->MP like a charm anyways (I don't have any
medikits/magikits on my game right now.

>         4) After you win a battle the XP and GOLD amounts shown that you
>            won are different than what you actually get. After one battle
>            the game said I needed 120 more XP. Then after the next battle
>            I gained 4 XP but the game said I only needed 110 more XP.

Did you gain six XP in the first battle? :) My battles have been pretty damn
accurate, so I'm not complaining.

>         I know I shouldn't be one to complain about bugs after releasing
> a buggy Galaxian 2.0 and Orzunoid 4.0 but I think these need to be
> addressed. Oh, I still have a graphlink till the end of the week due to a
> delay in grades getting sent home so expect Galaxian 2.1 and Orzunoid 4.1
> to be released later in the week with the bugs fixed.
>         Evil Sam

 BTW, Galaxian is the second-best proggie on my calc (DE being the first).
Orzunoid isn't all that fun because of the damn pauses inbetween balls (I
like Arkanoid better).
