A82: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM
A82: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM
Hey, I'm working on the 82 Port of Yoshi, and I need some help on conversions
and stuff from the 83. Sam, or anyone else who also knows the 83 as well as
the 82, I could use some assistance... =)
How do I display the contents of HL in small font...? I know I can't use this
83 code:
ld hl, (highscore)
call _setxxxxop2
call _op2toop1
call _dispop1a
but I came across a routine that was in Ahmed's Port Tutorial, which goes
something like this:
push de
push hl
ld de,string+5
xor a
ld (de),a
add a,'0'
dec de
ld (de),a
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,Repeat
ex de,hl
pop hl
pop de
but I don't see how that will really work. Where does "string+5" come in, do I
have to define that, and what with? What does UNPACK_HL do? Also, what is
"add a,'0' " suppose to achieve? =P I quite don't get it... someone please
explain this whole process here, or give me another routine... =P
Also, a few miscellaneous questions... What are the 82 equivalents of
"_vputmap", "_divHLbyA", "_HTimesL", and the closest routines to the SOS
library routines for Random Integers and Large Sprites. For those, I was
thinking about just pasting the source in from the SOS Libs (with Joe W's
Permission of course), and that should work, although are there any better
routines already on the 82? Thanks a lot... =)
--Jason K.