A82: Re: MONOLITH may be gone, but...
A82: Re: MONOLITH may be gone, but...
Have you guys tried http://www.webjump.com/ , it seems to me free and pretty
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas J. Hruska <thruska@tir.com>
To: <CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM>; <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>;
<assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>; <brabeler@ticalc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 3:08 AM
Subject: A82: MONOLITH may be gone, but...
>After a gruelling search I finally found a decent redirection service! It
>appears to be easy to sign up, but I have yet to find the way to change the
>URL if the user's web page moves. The server is faster than Monolith's
>ATHOME project, so I'm assuming that few people know about it or they have
>a more powerful server.
>To sign up go to:
>Follow the links to sign up (very simple process) and your web page is
>instead of: <http://shinelight.home.ml.org/> (no longer works) it becomes
><http://click-on.to/shinelight> (which works).
>The BEST part about click-on.to is that it is ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!!!!!!!
>Unlike welcome.to, come.to, etc., which cost money, this costs nothing.
>This is the only service that I've seen so far that does what us TI fans
>need: Free redirection.
>Gee wiz, I must sound like one of those SPAM ads or something. I just want
>to have some standard redirection method that people can use. Monolith
>brought most of us together and click-on.to (no matter how corny it sounds)
>can do the same thing. All I care about is the free part. If you want to
>pay per month for redirection services, go right ahead. I'm just giving
>people another option to avoiding long web page addresses. If nothing
>else, reserve a click-on.to redirection address to secure yours in case
>some other service fails.
>Well, I've got to get back to that homework that I keep neglecting to
>do...two words: Term Paper.
> Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/8504
> http://click-on.to/shinelight