Re: A82: Re: Ztetris: Displaying Info
Re: A82: Re: Ztetris: Displaying Info
>>I think that the 85 way looks best.
>>The modified version of DM_HL_DECI (#3) was included because it seemed
>>useful, and it only took up ~10 bytes. Including a routine which allows
>>the programmer to choose the number of digits will probably take up ~10
>>bytes too. Would anyone use this ?
> I would. :)
> Sam
In case you want it, here is the source to the DM_HL_DECI where you can choose the number of zeros. If you are worried about size just replaced the current DM_HL_DECI2 with this one.
DM_HL_DECI3: ; Display HL in menu style
ld de,string+5
xor a
ld (de),a
dec de
add a,48
ld (de),a
djnz RepUnp
ex de,hl
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