A82: Im Back, now here's an update
A82: Im Back, now here's an update
Hey guys, after a short leave of absence, i have returned from south
africa. BTW- I have changed my Omegasoft WebPage from Xoom, to Tripod,
and have changed Omegasoft's email address from
wwd@callisto.us.fornax.com to OmegasoftASM@hotmail.com, but i will give
all of you the info later on.
Here is how i stand on my projects:
Daytona Beach: I have some raw code in my hands that hasn't been touched
in about a month.
SpLaSH: Coming Along good, but it is tedious code
In the midst of all of my unfinished projects i have started work on a
ROM ENABLER that will enhance the performance of your calculator, i am
doing some research on system enhancing ROM CALLS that will bake the use
of your calc, more efficient and convinient. Talk to ya all later!
Will Dempster
Omegasoft Assembly Productions
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com