Re: A82: Orzunoid Questions
Re: A82: Orzunoid Questions
>ok, i've found some bugs in the beta version of the crash orzunoid...
>1) the ball-catch thing (when catching the ball at the left edge) makes
>the ball appear in the center, but we already discussed this, didn't
Yes, this bug is in Orzunoid 85 as well. Don't know what causes it.
>2) the laser powerup screws up sometimes, Sam... if i catch one of
>WITHOUT PRESSING ANY KEYS, some bricks will disappear.
Also in the 85 version. I'm not sure what is the cause.
>this also happens
>when you hit the ball at a tight angle so that it zooms across the
First I've heard of it.
>3) when you zoom the ball across, it also will display multiple balls
Do you mean actual balls appear or is there simply a screw up in the
display so that picture of a ball flashes on the screen. If this does
happen, then it has been in all previous versions of Orzunoid and in the
85 version.
>that's it... for now... some of the levels are a pain in the ass...
>especially the ones with too many solids...
I know. The game is kind of monotonous. The only way to make the
levels hard is to use the solid blocks. However, then in certain levels
it seems like you are just trying to manipulate the ball to hit one
solitary block.
Releasing a crash version of the game was a complete accident. I was
working with CRASM trying to figure out the CrASH bug, and I simply
forgot to change the CRASM to ASM when I compiled the game. I then
screwed up further when I submitted an ash beta that was missing three
levels(sorry, Rabeler). I'm releasing a new beta tonight. I have decided
not to include negative powerups because they really are a waste of
space. After you figure out which ones are bad, you simply avoid them
and 200 bytes is wasted on 6 pointless powerups. The Orzunoid beta
released tonight will have 9-10 powerups.
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