A82: Re: LD2
A82: Re: LD2
Where'd you get the beta? Can I have a copy? [I didn't see it on ticalc..
I'll check again, if it is, ignore this msg..] Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: L0rdG0aT, Lord of sodomy and of darkness <milewskg@stuy.edu>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 1:52 PM
Subject: A82: LD2
>great job, Chris! so far, i'm up to level 3, and i've been playing it for
>30 minutes...
>is there any compression used in your program? if not, i can fit more
>programs into the measly 6k you leave me with...
>do you have delay loops in the game for the movement of LD? shortening the
>delays might speed up the game, and make it go by faster... (i find it
>annoying that after dying, i have to redo everything at the same pace...)
>all together, a great game, _not_ (yet) the crash game of the year,
>because crash has a lot of good games...