Re: A82: A plea
Re: A82: A plea
>to anyone who wants to (especially Dines, Barubary (sp?), or CrASHman):
>I'm sure the rest of you who use ti8xemu agree with me that we need an
>addvar82 to be made! Especially the people whose calcs don't work (hmm, who
>could that be?)
>I talked with Randy and SCaBBy, and it results in this email.
>PLEASE, I'm BEGGING you, make it! It's just like making a new var on a calc
>program, only it's in C :-). Easy, only I don't know C nor do I know the
>necessary pointers to update when a new program is made.
>Whoops, looks like I was rambling again
Alright, alright, I guess I'll make one. However because of complications
that may occur when emulating crash 2, you will have to be at the home
screen in order to use addvar82. If I write it in C, I can simply add that
feature directly to calcemu (I have the source; I was responsible for several
things in it, including fixing 83's ROM page switching and fixing CR_GRBCopy).
Since I hate BASIC, I'll write it in C :)
P.S. If I make addvar82 I'm making an addvar83 as well. They are similar
-- Barubary