Re: A82: Binary and Decimil Conversion


Re: A82: Binary and Decimil Conversion

            I'm very sorry but I've already do a program that translate decimal
in binary and hexadecimal called HexWorkshop 82...
        It was also my first prog in assembly...So I advise you to do it as it's
quite "simple" and teachs many things about asm ( displaying text, register, ...)

                                    Bob the Cat

Larry G Currie wrote:

> Here is basic progs I wrote, I will translate them into assembly as my
> first project!!! =)   =)    =)
> They're in UUE, so someone who can decode them, please repost them as
> attached files as many on the list cannot seem to use UUE format.
> Thanks.  I hope there is not already a program like this.
> ~Larry C
>                       Name: BINDECCV.ZIP
>    BINDECCV.ZIP       Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
>                   Encoding: x-uuencode
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