Re: A82: Dr. Mario Update + dead calc
Re: A82: Dr. Mario Update + dead calc
In a message dated 98-04-16 20:12:59 EDT, you write:
> >nope, it's nothing like that. I guess I forgot to say that I left the
> calc
> >sitting with no batts in it for a few hours. I'm looking into getting
> some
> >used calc(s) cheap. Right now I'm looking into a great deal I found -
> 16.0
> >for $15 and 19.0 for $20. I'm hoping to find someone with a 17.0 and
> even
> >possibly an 18.0. Then I can have each ROM version for less than a new
> calc
> >:-)
> >Happy days!
> >
> >~Adamman
> >
> Why buy each 82 ROM version for 70 bucks when you could buy the ROM 19
> for $20 and then get a used 86 for $40? I would rather have 2 different
> calcs with different games and different abilities then a bunch of 82's.
> Besides, what would you ever need 4 or 5 82's for? The only reason would
> be to brag that you have all the ROM's.
> Sam
Exactly :-). But the plan is, I need at least 2 calcs so I can conveniently
test link games.